Floor Bridge
1.) Star by lying on the ground flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet completely flat to the ground. 2.) Puff your chest out, and place your hands to your side with an external rotation (squeeze your upper back) 3.) Flatt your back and draw your abs in as your press […]
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Dead Bug Stability
1.) Lie down with your hands straight above your shoulders and your feet straight above your hips. 2.) Flex your hips forward allowing your complete spine and back to be flat to the mat. 3.) Use your abs to squeeze and hold this position during the entire exercise. 4.) After positioned properly, slowly bring your […]
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Dumbbell Lunge with Bicep Curl
1. Start with Dumbbells to your side and your feet together. (Palms out) 2. Step out so that your front foot, knee, and hip make a 90 degree angle and your back foot, knee and hip make another 90 degree angle. 3. With your core flexed curl the weight in the down position of the […]
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Cable Chest Fly
1.) Set up the machine so the handles or arms of the machine are about shoulder height and about 1 foot outside of each shoulder for the width. This is a wide exercise so the wider the better (do not go completely straight) 2.) Grab each handle and stand in the middle of the machine […]
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Floor Plank
1. Start on your mat with your knees directly below your hips and your elbows directly below your shoulders with your arms parallel to each other. 2. Bring your right leg back, then your left leg and support your entire body between your forearms and your feet. 3. Flex your core muscles and make sure […]
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Stability Ball Crunch
Get a all size that when sitting down your knees and hips are +/- 6 inches in alignment. Exercise Instructions: 1. Sit on the ball with your legs 90 degrees. 2. Slowly walk out with your legs and lean back until the ball is on the small of your back. 3. Re- Align your feet […]
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Push Up
The push up is one of the most important exercises used for building a strong chest, arms, core and back. 1.) Begin by kneeling face down on the floor or on a mat with your feet together and arms shoulder width apart. 2.) After placing your feet and hands in the right place tighten up your abs and support your […]
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1 Leg Pushup
The push up is one of the most important exercises used for building a strong chest, arms, core and back. 1.) Begin by kneeling face down on the floor or on a mat with your feet together and arms shoulder width apart. 2.) After placing your feet and hands in the right place tighten up your abs and support your […]
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Stability Ball Extended Arms Crunch
1.) Begin by lying with the center of your back on the top of an exercise ball and arms extended out towards the sky, keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground. 2.) Lift up through your belly button towards your spine and curl your torso. 3.) Once you feel tension and a stretch in […]
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