The Treadmill is a great source of cardio used to simulate running, walking, in many different ways including interval training, incline motion, decline motion, and more. To use most machines: 1.Stand on machine and press the Quick Start button. The machine will begin moving in about 3 seconds. 2. Choose either a program, or set your own […]
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Seated Dumbbell Hammer Bicep Curl
1.) Start by sitting down on a bench with your feet directly below your knees and your chest out, back straight, and elbows to your side 2.) With the palms of your hands facing each other (hammer position) slowly lift the weight as high as you can while keeping your elbows to your side. 3.) Hold the […]
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Machine Cable Laying Bicep Curl
1.) Locate a seated cable machine and place a stability ball underneath the back of the bench of extra head support. Make sure to exchange the handle for a curl bar. 2.) Sit on the bench and grab the flat curl bar with your palms facing up and your elbows hip distance. Lay back placing your […]
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Machine Assisted Pull Up
1.) Start by understanding that this machine is going to help you come up. So whatever amount of weight you set the machine to will be the amount of weight the machine will help you get up when your pulling. 2.) Set your weight to the appropriate setting, climb up the machine and grab to the inner […]
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The Elliptical is a great source of cardio used to simulate running, walking, or stair climbing. To use most machines: 1.Begin Moving 2. Press the Quick Start Button 3. Set your Speed 4. Set your Incline
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Bodyweight Side Lunge
1.) Stand with your feet together, and your chest out. 2.) Step directly to your left or right side keeping your foot completely straight. 3.) While bending the knee of the leg you stepped out with keep the opposite leg completely straight. 4.) Lean forward and make sure to align the bent knee with the […]
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Cable Tricep Rope Extension
1.) Stand about 6” away from the cable outlet and grab on to the cable bringing your elbows directly to your side. Pin them there do not let them move. (If you feel like your being pulled forward that means your more then 6” away) 2.) With your feet hip distance, your knees slightly bent, […]
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Stability Ball Prone Shoulder Press
1.) Lay flat down on top of a exercise ball with the ball directly below your hips and your feet against a wall directly behind your hips. 2.) Lift up your arms and make two 90 degree angles between you wrist, elbow, and shoulders with your palms facing down. Be sure to apply external rotation. 3.) While […]
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Bodyweight Standing Calf Raise
1.) Start off by creating a heightened surface you can place the balls of your feet on. (Ideas: block, smith machine ledge, bench, disc weight) 2.) Place the balls of your feet on the edge of the surface being used and let your heels drop down towards the floor as far as possible. 3.) Slowly raise […]
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Stability Ball Reverse Hip Extension
1.) Kneel down and walk out on the exercise ball until the pressure is right behind the belly button or where your feet barely still touch the ground. 2.) Position your hands in a plank position with forearms on the ground underneath your shoulders and squeeze your shoulders back while flexing your abs. 3.) While exhaling […]
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