Body Weight Half Squats
1. Stand with your feet shoulder distance apart. Your hands can rest on the front of your thighs or reach in front of you. If needed, hold on to the back of a chair or wall for balance. 2. Keep your chest lifted and slowly lower your hips about 10 inches, as if you are […]
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Straight Quad Leg Raise (Supine)
1. Lie on the floor with your elbows directly under your shoulders to support your upper body. 2. Keep your affected leg straight and bend your other leg so that your foot is flat on the floor. 3. Tighten the thigh muscle of your affected leg and slowly raise it 6 to 10 inches off […]
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Standing Body Weight Calf Raise
1. Stand with your weight evenly distributed over both feet. Hold onto the back of a chair or a wall for balance. 2. Lift your unaffected foot off of the floor so that all of your weight is placed on your affected foot. 3. Raise the heel of your affected foot as high as you […]
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Standing Body Weight Hamstring Leg Curls
1. Hold onto the back of a chair or a wall for balance. 2.Bend your affected knee and raise your heel toward the ceiling as far as possible without pain. 3. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then relax. Repeat.
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Isometric Quad Extension
1 Sit with your knee supported on a rolled towel. 2 Contract your thigh muscle (quadriceps) to push your knee down on the towel without lifting your foot off the ground. 3 Relax and repeat. 4 Make the roll smaller if knee gets looser
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Supine Hamstring Stretch
1. Lie on the floor with both legs bent. 2. Lift one leg off of the floor and bring the knee toward your chest. Clasp your hands behind your thigh below your knee. 3. Straighten your leg and then pull it gently toward your head, until you feel a stretch. (If you have difficulty clasping your […]
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Standing Quadriceps Stretch
1.Hold on to the back of a chair or a wall for balance. 2. Bend your knee and bring your heel up toward your buttock. 3. Grasp your ankle with your hand and gently pull your heel closer to your body. 4. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat with the opposite […]
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Standing Heel Cord Stretch
1. Stand facing a wall with your unaffected leg forward with a slight bend at the knee. Your affected leg is straight and behind you, with the heel flat and the toes pointed in slightly. 2. Keep both heels flat on the floor and press your hips forward toward the wall. 3. Hold this stretch […]
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Iso Quad Contraction (VMO Focus)
1. Sit with your knee supported on a rolled towel 2. Contract your thigh muscle (quadriceps) to push your knee down on the towel or roller allowing your foot to raise based on the contraction of the quad pushing the knee down. Do not lift you knee purposely. 3. Hold for 5 seconds then repeat. Note: When […]
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Lying Iso Hamstring Leg Curls
1. Lay down face down on a mat. 2. Press your hips into the floor and slowly bring your heel toward your hip. 3. Hold in the up position for 2 seconds then take 5 seconds to return to start position keeping the foot flexed and movement in a straight line. Note: Be sure to […]
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