Full Body Crunches
1.) Lay down on back with arms above head and legs fully extended. 2.) Bring your upper body up and lower body up at the same time meeting the knees and hands in the middle. 3.) Hold. 4.) Return to fully extended position.
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Stability Ball Dumbbell Incline Chest Press
1.) Lay down on stability ball so that your head is supported and shoulders are on the ball, then lower your hips to the ground creating a incline bench angle with your body. 2.) Start with weights outside the body at 90 degrees and press the weight straight up to center.
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Bicycle Crunches
1.) Start by laying on your back with your hands behind your ears and legs fully extended and off the ground 3 inches. 2.) Perform a crunch but aim to bring your right shoulder to the left knee by bending your knee toward your face as you come up. 3.) Return to starting position then […]
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Serratus Push Ups
1.) Start in plank position with your hands face down on the mat and your elbows directly below your shoulders. 2.) Protract (push forward) your shoulders. (this will cause your body to move away from the mat 1-4 inches) 3.) Slowly retract (squeeze back) your shoulder blades (this will cause your body to move toward […]
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Body Weight Hip Hinge (Good Mornings)
Stand up straight with your hands on your hips. Your feet should be slightly wider than your hips and firmly planted on the ground. Start the movement by engaging your core, pushing your ribs down and pulling your shoulders slightly back with a neutral neck position 1.) Bend forward at the waist in a slow […]
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Bosu Lower Body Transverse Twist
1.) Start by placing a Bosu on the ground with the bottom facing up 2.) Assume a push up position by placing your hands on the edge of the Bosu 3.) Bend your right knee in toward your head, then simply extend the bent leg all the way to the other side causing your hips to […]
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Dumbbell Inside Press with Squat
1.) Start with your feet about hip distance and your arms bent in front of you holding the dumbbells at a 90 degree angle with your biceps and triceps parallel to each other. 2.) Maintain your elbow level with your shoulder as you bend your knees down into a squat. 3.) Hold the squat for […]
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Stability Ball Inside Push-Up (Feet on Bench)
1.) Start out by placing your hands on the stability ball about 8 inches apart and one foot on the bench. TIP: Be sure to have feet and hand placement exactly where they would be for the exercise. 2.) Activate your abs and slowly put all the weight on the stability ball and the stable […]
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