Cable External Shoulder Rotation
1.) Start by securing either the resistance bands, or the machine height so that the cable is coming directly from your side level with your wrist when your arm is at a 90 degree angle to your side. 2.) Keep your elbow bent in a 90 degree angle and stand in such a way that […]
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Cable Internal Shoulder Rotation
1.) Start by securing either the resistance bands, or the machine height so that the cable is coming directly from your side level with your wrist when your arm is at a 90 degree angle to your side. 2.) Keep your elbow bent in a 90 degree angle and stand in such a way that […]
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Calf Press On Leg Press
The calf press on the machine is a great place to isolate your calf muscle and build great strength. 1.) Sit down on the machine as if you were going to be performing the exercise normally. 2.) Adjust your feet so that your heels are free and only the balls of your feet make contact […]
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One Leg 45 Degree Leg Press
1.) Start by setting up the machine to the proper angle, and the right amount of weight then have a seat and place one leg on the machine platform. 2.) Tighten your core and use your one leg to press the weight up off of the wrack and slowly lower down to a 45 degree […]
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Barbell Floor Bridge
1.) Star by lying on the ground flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet completely flat to the ground. 2.) Puff your chest out, and place your hands on the sides of a barbell placed directly above your hip. 3.) Flatten your back and draw your abs in as you press […]
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Dumbbell Palms Down Wrist Curl Over A Bench
1.) Start by kneeling over the bench with a dumbbell in your hand and our palms facing down. 2.) Flex each forearm by lifting and lowering each dumbbell with only your wrist like you are driving a motorcycle. 3.) Exhale while rolling the dumbbell up with your wrist 4.) Inhale while lowering the dumbbell with your wrist. […]
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Dumbbell Palms Up Wrist Curl Over A Bench
1.) Start by kneeling over a bench with two dumbbells palms up. 2.) With your palms facing upwards flex each forearm by lifting and lowering the dumbbell with only your wrist.3.) Exhale while raising your wrist.4.) Inhale while lowering your wrist. 5.) Repeat for the desired amount of reps and sets
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Wrist Roller
1.) Stand with your feet hip distance with a palm down grip on your wrist roller. Hold your arms shoulder height, straight out in front of you. 2.) Slowly rotate one wrist at a time in an upward (clockwise) motion bringing the weight up toward the roller as the rope wraps around the roller. 4.) When the weight […]
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Barbell Incline Bench Press
1.) Begin by setting up your incline bench to a 45 degree angle or use a pre-set incline bench press bench. 2.) Lie flat on your back on the bench with your feet firmly planted on the floor and your hands slightly wider then shoulder width apart. (When you bring the bar down your elbows should […]
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Row Machine
The Row Machine is a great source of cardio used to simulate rowing and uses the upper body as a cardio source. To use most machines: 1.Start with your feet strapped in, your knees bent, and your hands on the handles with your palms facing down. 2. Push your body away from platform as hard as you can […]
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