Cable Arnold Rope Crunches
1.) Start with a counterweight heavy enough to allow spinal control. 2.) Also remember what a “Crunch” is when doing this exercise imagine your normal crunch on your back on a bench or a mat but then flipped upside down. 3.) Kneel down while holding a rope and get in a “Reverse Crunch Position” Which […]
Read MoreStability Ball Lower Body Transverse Twist (Face Down, Hands on Ground, and Knees Bent)
1.) Start with your hands directly below your shoulders, your feet directly above your knees, and the stability ball directly below the middle/lower portion of the top of your leg. 2.) While stabilizing with your upper body try to directly twist your body downward in twisting maneuver until the side of your leg is on […]
Read MoreDumbbell Standing Alternating Arm Bicep Curl
1.) Start by standing with your feet hip distance apart with your knees slightly bent and your chest out, back straight, and elbows to your side. 2.) With the palms of your hands facing away from you (regular position) slowly lift one side as high as you can while keeping your elbow to your side. […]
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Barbell Bent Over Wide Row
1.)Stand with your feet hip distance and your knees slightly bent. 2.)With the barbell in your hands just wider then shoulder width apart bend over while keeping your back straight. 3.)While you puff your chest out pull the weight toward your body keeping your elbows wide so that you perform a wide row not an […]
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Isometric Leg Extension with Ab Flexion
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Side Plank
1.)Lie on your left side with your knees straight. 2.)Prop your upper body up on your left elbow and forearm. Position your elbow under your shoulder. Brace your core by contracting your abs forcefully as if you trying to flex as hard as possible. 3.)Raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from […]
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Barbell Back Squat
1. )Stand with your feet hip distance and parallel to each other with the barbell resting on your upper back with a comfortable wide grip on the bar. 2.) Slightly tilt your hips back while puffing your chest out and sinking the weight naturally to the back of your foot (heels). 3.) Slowly control your […]
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Seated Hamstring Leg Curl
The seated leg curl exercise is a great basic option for hitting the hamstring. (The muscle behind the leg) 1.) Start off by adjusting the machine so that the footpad is above your heels, then sit upright with your abs tightly drawn in and your legs positioned in front of you.2.) Slowly curl your legs back […]
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Bent Over Barbell Dead Lift
1.) Start off standing up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms at your sides with a weighted barbell held at thigh level.2.) While keeping your knees still, slowly lower your upper body and the barbell towards the floor over your feet.3.) Keep moving your body forward until you feel a stretch […]
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Leaning Bench Dumbbell Rear Deltoid Extension
1.) Start by leaning an adjustable bench down to about 35/45 degrees. Lean up against it and hold both the dumbbells directly below your shoulders with your palms facing away from you.(START WITH BOTH WEIGHT STRAIGHT DOWN, THIS WILL BE YOUR DOWN POSITION) 2.) From the start position swing both weights out to your side without swinging them […]
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