Dumbbell Leaning Bench Alternating Arm Inside Row
1.) Start by leaning an adjustable bench down to about 35/45 degrees. Lean up against it and bring both the dumbbells up to the sides of your body.(START WITH BOTH WEIGHT PULLED UP, THIS WILL BE YOUR ISOMETRIC POSITION) 2.) From the start position lower one side down at a time then bring it back […]
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Weighted Floor Transverse Twist
1.) Pick weight a dumbbell, barbell, medicine ball, or just hold your arms out. 2.) Lean back while keeping your knees slightly bent and feet flat. 3.) Twist side to side while trying to keep your arms perfectly straight by squeezing your scapular and twisting from your abs not your hips.
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Cable Transverse Twist With Squat Bottom To Top
1.) Start with the Cable at the lowest position and your body just far enough to be full extended when fully twisted to the side your doing and in a complete twisted squat position. Make sure your feet are hip distance and be prepared to come up from your squat while twisting your abs to the top […]
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Cable Transverse Twist With Squat Top To Bottom
1.) Start with the Cable at the top position and your body just far enough to be full extended when fully twisted to the side your doing. Make sure your feet are him distance and be prepared to squat down straight while twisting your abs to your one side. 2.) Start by squatting down normally […]
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Machine Hack Squat
1.) Be sure to have a complete understanding of how the machine locks and un lock and be ready to take on the heavier load of a leg machine before pressing up with your resistance and taking on the load of the machine. 2.) Position your legs about hip distance with your feet pointed straight […]
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Stability Ball Seated Cable Chest Fly Alternating Arm (Palm Facing Inside)
1.) Set up the machine so the handles or arms of the machine are about shoulder height and about 1 foot outside of each shoulder for the width while keeping in mind you will be seated on a stability ball. This is a wide exercise so the wider the better (do not go completely straight) […]
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Machine Assisted Inside Hammer Pull Ups
1.) Start by understanding that this machine is going to help you come up. So whatever amount of weight you set the machine to will be the amount of weight the machine will help you get up when your pulling. 2.) Set your weight to the appropriate setting, climb up the machine and grab to the inside bars running […]
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Decline Dumbbell Chest Press
1.) Set your desired decline and grab your weights. Carefully rest the weights on your knees as you prepare yourself to go back. While going down on the bench bring your arms out to a 90 degree angle and prepare your wrists by making them straight. 2.) Press the weight up in the weight and […]
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Machine Chest Press
1.) A great choice when trying to focus completely on blowing out your prime mover. Make sure to activate your core and keep your shoulders back. Begin by sitting down and positioning yourself so that your arms make a 90 degree angle at about shoulder height. 2.) Sit back and squeeze your shoulders back while […]
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Decline Bench Reverse Crunch
1.) Lay down on a decline bench with your arms bent at 90 degrees on both side gripping the top of the bench. (This is to ensure your upper body is anchored down) 2.) Lift your legs up and flatten out your lower back as you lift your legs up and hips off the bench. […]
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