Prone Cobra
1. Lie face down on an exercise mat with your legs straight and arms against your sides.2. Begin exercise by raising your legs, chest, head, and arms off the ground. Raise them as high as comfortably possible. Next, rotate arms so that your thumbs are sticking up toward the ceiling (arms are still behind you).3. Be sure to […]
Read MorePlank With Reverse Marching
Read MoreStatic Lunge With Dumbbell Medial Raise
Read MoreWall Sit Dumbbell Shoulder Front Raise
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Dumbbell Squat
1.Assume athletic stance with dumbbells at sides and feet slightly wider than hip width 2.Keeping back straight and knees behind toes, sink hips back and lower into squat until thighs are parallel to ground 3.Extend hips and knees to drive up out of squat position 4.Repeat for specified reps
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1 Leg Standing Dumbbell Hammer Bicep Curl
1.) Stand with your feet together and while holding the dumbbells in your hand face your palms toward each other. 2.) Flex your abs and glutes, then raise one leg up off the ground at a 90 degree angle between your hip, knee, and foot. 3.) Squeeze your Shoulder blades back and puff out your chest. 4.) […]
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1 Leg Standing Dumbbell Bicep Curl
1.) Stand with your feet together and your palms facing away from you with the dumbbells in your hand. 2.) Flex your abs and glutes, then raise one leg up off the ground at a 90 degree angle between your hip, knee, and foot. 3.) Squeeze your Shoulder blades back and puff out your chest. 4.) […]
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Stability Ball Dumbbell Wide Row
1.) Lay flat down on top of a exercise ball with the ball directly below your hips and your feet against a wall directly behind your hips. 2.) Lift up your arms and make two 90 degree angles between you wrist, elbow, and shoulders with your palms facing behind you. 3.) Bring the weight back down […]
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Dumbbell Lunge with Bicep Hammer Curl
1. Start with Dumbbells to your side and your feet together. (Palms facing inside) 2. Step out so that your front foot, knee, and hip make a 90 degree angle and your back foot, knee and hip make another 90 degree angle. 3. With your core flexed curl the weight in the down position of […]
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Cable Bench Alternating Arm Incline Chest Press
1.) Begin by setting up your incline bench to a 45 degree angle or use a pre-set incline bench press bench and line it up in the middle of the cable system you are going to use. 2.) Get yourself comfortable in the incline position feeling how to activate your upper abs to stabilize your upper […]
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